
All donations to the church are gratefully accepted.

Give directly into our bank account

  • You can set up a regular standing order into the St Mary’s bank account, or make a single donation, as you wish.
  • Please contact our treasurer at to obtain the relevant bank details. You would also be able to complete a Gift Aid declaration form to enable the church to claim Gift Aid on your donations.
  • If you wish to donate for a specific purpose, please mention this in the reference you give to the bank

Give through our Give-a-Little website

  • You can either make a single donation, or set up a regular one, and you will be able to provide details on the website for Gift Aid if appropriate.

Give in the church

  • You can use one of the card readers at the back of the church to make a donation of any amount.

Please note: Donations through the bank will show the name of the donors bank account. When using the card readers and web links, only the last 4 digits of the card used are shown. With Gift Aided donations the details necessary to make the claim will be passed on. Card and personal details are visible only to the Treasurer and Gift Aid Administrator.

Gift Aid

If you are eligible for Gift Aid and need to complete a  declaration please download the form here

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